All's well that ends well! After 4 weeks of waiting and investigating, finally Standard Insurance ruled out the claim as part of the accident! Thanks to the efficient service and mechanic crew of Mazda Greenhills, my Calvary is over. After a grueling week of knowing if the claim is valid or not, i really wanted to celebrate this as my personal best and longest, hardest claim in my insurance career's history. Haha! I almost lose my face with my client because so far i have no claims yet that was denied and I am not sure if i can handle that situation for now…
I can not blame Standard Insurance for their decision to have a 2nd opinion with Mazda Greenhills because the affected part was the rack and pinion that causes the power steering to operate abnormally. Its really on the 50/50 situation wherein only a special machine could only tell if the defect was caused by the accident or if it is a wear and tear. They even spent an extra 3,000 pesos to send the ra
ck and pinion to the machine shop just to ensure that the claim is accident related. In the insurance policy, it stated their that the insurance will only bring
back the assured to its state prior to the accident; they won't do more or do less. And because of too many fraudulent cases in the industry, the genuine accidents are sometimes being mistaken to a fraudulent one and unfortunately vice versa. Sometimes, we should blame ourselves if we favor ourselves to use insurance as a tool for a washover or to replace any undesirable dents or scratches in our car because sometimes the favor might return to us unfavorably.
Overall, i would rate Standard Insurance for this case as satisfactory only because the decision was quite slow and it made a very patient client to be irritated already. But I still support them because in reality you can't please everyone. Thank you also to my ever-patient client for trusting my abilities with this complicated case.